Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Meeting, Nov 2019: Changes to Follow

This month’s Cloud Foundry Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting was the last in 2019, so much of the discussion revolved around possible improvements and changes to the meeting procedure for 2020.
Michael Maximilien (a.k.a. Dr. Max) of IBM, the moderator of the call, floated the idea of changing the frequency of the CAB meetings in the future. Having led and organized the meetings for a few years now, he also suggested a change in leadership. Dr. Max will be sending a survey to the Cloud Foundry community in a few weeks to gather feedback about his proposals.
“In terms of leadership, I have been running these meetings for a while. It might help to get some new blood, so I was thinking whether or not it makes sense for me to step down and offer it to other people.” —Dr. Max, IBM
The call also featured updates from the development teams and from the Cloud Foundry Foundation.
Runtime PMC
Eric Malm of Pivotal noted the following updates:
- cf-deployment v12 now includes stemcell autobumps.
- The CLI team published a versioning table, which includes categories of changes.
- Eirini v1.0 is now available.
- The Networking team has an initial release of the CF-Route Sync component for the Eirini integration.
- The CAPI and UAA teams are working on the Kubernetes deployment artifacts.
- The CAPI team is also working on integrating the kpack resources to take advantage of the cloud-native buildpacks running on Kubernetes.
- The Loggregator team is providing operation files to test the removal of Firehose.
CF Foundation updates
Swarna Podila mentioned that the Cloud Foundry Foundation will adjust its content to be more useful to organizations and users who are in the early stages of adoption.
She also noted that while there will still be Cloud Foundry summits in 2020, the Foundation is still ironing the details. Options, such as collocating with other conferences and hosting a virtual summit, are being considered.
The next CAB call is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2020. The call will start at 8 a.m. Pacific Time. Anyone interested can join Cloud Foundry’s CAB Slack channel.