Altoros Delivers a Self-Service Cloud Foundry Training Platform

Today, Altoros announces the availability of the first-ever Cloud Foundry training platform. In addition to online tutorials, the program offers a real infrastructure where one can play with deployments and learn cloud-native development firsthand.
Three levels of expertise
A series of five-lesson courses are targeted at developers, operators, and DevOps engineers who use open-source Cloud Foundry. Users can choose from the following course levels:
- basic
- intermediate
- advanced
“Whether you’re new to Cloud Foundry, have some experience with it, or already have substantial expertise, Altoros has developed a course to fit your needs,” said Kirill Grigorchuk, the Head of Cloud Foundry practice at Altoros, in making the announcement.
All of the courses are delivered through a web experience, with no required plug-ins or additional services. All one needs is some AWS infrastructure, either existing or created at the beginning of a course.
Who may be interested?
The training is targeted at developers, architects, and DevOps engineers dealing with Cloud Foundry as end users. It may also be useful to top-level technical managers as a tool for fostering digital transformation within enterprises. The main courses include:
- Open-source Cloud Foundry for Operators
- Open-source Cloud Foundry for Developers
- Open-source Cloud Foundry for DevOps engineers
All topics are covered
Training starts with lessons on how to install Cloud Foundry and BOSH and advances such topics as:
- deployment
- services
- manifests
- application management
- the ELK deployment
- and other skills
There is a quiz at each lesson’s conclusion to reinforce what’s been learned.
Altoros provides a fully featured console similar to what many developers use with Linux OS. Additionally, a file explorer allows for managing and editing files without touching the console.
“Our goal is to provide the most relevant training materials on cloud-native development in various Cloud Foundry distros to create a marketplace of cloud-native training, in which your business will be able to find a way to realize rapid innovation, training, and staff development continuously and in large volumes.” —Kirill Grigorchuk, Altoros
Altoros is also ready to provide comprehensive, on-site training for those companies on a path to digital transformation who wish to use our platform to achieve the ultimate in Cloud Foundry innovation and expertise.
A series of five-lesson courses is being offered online for $199 each, with the first lesson free of charge. Visit the Cloud Foundry training platform page to get started.