Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Nov 2021: Working Groups Update

Approved working groups
This month’s Cloud Foundry Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting featured updates around the approved and proposed working groups. The call was moderated by Ram Iyengar from the CF Foundation.
Following the conclusion of the election for the new Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) members in June 2021, the Cloud Foundry community has opted to shift to a pull request–oriented and more open structure of governance. Moving forward, the community activity will be organized into working groups.
Most working groups will be responsible for managing a subset of repositories in the Cloud Foundry GitHub. Working groups will hold regular meetings, which can be accessed through the community calendar.
While new working groups may be created later on, the TOC has already approved five of them—Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes, Foundational Infrastructure, App Runtime Platform, App Runtime Interfaces, and Paketo—which are already up and running.
Besides the groups mentioned above, the TOC is set to finalize a few more, including App Runtime Deployments, Service Management, Vulnerability Management, and Community Experience. According to Ram, the Foundation is looking for members to build up the Community Experience working group.
“If there are folks out there who might be interested in working with Cloud Foundry maintainers via nontechnical contributions, the Community Experience working group is a great place to start.”
—Ram Iyengar, Cloud Foundry Foundation
Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes
Led by Georgi Sabev of SAP and Giuseppe Capizzi of VMware, the mission of the Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes working group is to bring the ease and simplicity of the CF developer experience to the container orchestration platform.
The goals for the group include:
- Developers can deploy existing Cloud Foundry–compatible applications to Kubernetes-based environments using workflows that employ official CF clients (such as the
cf CLI
and the CF Java client) or Cloud Foundry API calls. - Developers can take advantage of Cloud Foundry via Kubernetes-native APIs using existing Kubernetes tools and clients (such as
- Developers can smoothly migrate their workloads from their existing Cloud Foundry environments to the ones on Kubernetes.
- Operators can reuse their existing Kubernetes infrastructure and related integrations (i.e., networking, identity, and observability) in their Cloud Foundry deployments.
- End users can easily try out and experiment with Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes on their own Kubernetes clusters with a good out-of-the-box experience.
- Vendors can base their own CF distributions on the core components of Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes.
The Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes working group holds meetings every other Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. ET / 8:30 a.m. PT.
Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes working group charter
Foundational Infrastructure
Led by Beyhan Veli of SAP and Ruben Koster of VMware, the Foundational Infrastructure working group aims to provide infrastructure automation and core capabilities across Cloud Foundry projects, such as identity management, credential management, and integrated data services.
The goals for the group include:
- Operators have a multicloud deployment system that can put Cloud Foundry onto virtual machines with a strong set of Day 2 operator features.
- Provide a flexible identity/authentication and credential management system to use within BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
- Maintain a set of databases, required for the self-contained deployment and operation of BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
The Foundational Infrastructure working group holds meetings every week on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. ET / 7:30 a.m. PT.
Foundational Infrastructure working group charter
App Runtime Platform
Led by Amelia Downs of VMware, the App Runtime Platform working group aims to provide operational components for the CF App Runtime, including those for application build and execution, ingress and app-to-app routing, as well as aggregation of logs and metrics.
The goals for the group include:
- Platform teams have reliable, performant, and well-documented system components to provide core CF App Runtime capabilities within BOSH-based deployments.
- Community contributors can build against core CF App Runtime system components via stable, well-documented APIs.
- Community contributors can integrate tested CF App Runtime components into community reference deployments.
The App Runtime Platform working group holds meetings on the first Wednesday every month at 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT.
App Runtime Platform working group charter
App Runtime Interfaces
Led by Greg Cobb of VMware, the App Runtime Interfaces working group strives to provide APIs for the CF App Runtime and community clients for end users.
The goals for the group include:
- End users can build against a stable, reliable, performant, and well-documented CF API and higher-level CF API–related services.
- End users can choose from a range of CF API clients according to their needs: command-line interface, user interface, and client libraries for selected programming languages.
- Community contributors and especially the App Runtime Deployments working group to integrate a tested CF API release into different Cloud Foundry distributions.
The schedule for the regular App Runtime Interfaces working group meeting is yet to be announced.
App Runtime Interfaces working group charter
Led by Daniel Mikusa, Emily Casey, and Ryan Moran of VMware, the Paketo working group aims to provide Paketo buildpacks for servers, languages, and frameworks that are popular among app developers.
The goals for the group include:
- Provide end users with stable, reliable, and performant buildpacks to build their app with.
- Provide end users with buildpacks that are compatible with multiple platforms (such as Cloud Foundry, Docker, and Kubernetes).
- Provide documentation to enable platforms to adopt Paketo buildpacks and maintain compatibility with Paketo buildpacks.
The Paketo working group holds meetings every week on Tuesday at 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT.
The next CAB call is tentatively scheduled on December 16, 2021, at 11 a.m. ET / 8 a.m. PT. Anyone interested in participating can join the Cloud Foundry’s CAB Slack channel.
Want more? Watch the videos!
In this video, the Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes working group discusses a range of updates, including issues with kpack, binding service accounts, creating roles, etc.
In the video below, the Foundational Infrastructure working group talks about an issue with the no_proxy
settings being ignored by health_monitor